Har tillbringat Påskveckan i Idre. Åker inte själv skidor men alla andra i familjen älskar att fara nerför backarna. Någon ska ju laga mat så det gör jag gärna.
A video monitoring software for IPC and DVR. With cloud function, you can easily get access by the device’s serial number to show the live view monitoring video to your phone and can perform operations accordingly.<a href="https://www.techflyar.com/xmeye-for-pc-mac-windows-7-8-10-download/>xmeye for PC</a> is very useful app for people in the fastest-growing world. xmeye perfectly simplifies you to use IP Camera, without any difficult network configuration. It can be easy to watch the live video on the device. Also, Support two-way voice communication.
Jag är en tjej på 50+. Bor tillsammans med min man i Smålands mörka skogar i ett hus som är byggt 1909. Vi har tre döttrar som är utflugna. I min blogg ska jag försöka skriva om vardagen, vårt hem och det som händer i livet.
5 kommentarer:
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A video monitoring software for IPC and DVR. With cloud function, you can easily get access by the device’s serial number to show the live view monitoring video to your phone and can perform operations accordingly.<a href="https://www.techflyar.com/xmeye-for-pc-mac-windows-7-8-10-download/>xmeye for PC</a> is very useful app for people in the fastest-growing world. xmeye perfectly simplifies you to use IP Camera, without any difficult network configuration. It can be easy to watch the live video on the device. Also, Support two-way voice communication.
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